5856 words
29 minutes





题目需要我们算 p1+p2+q1+q2p1 + p2 + q1 + q2 的和的md5值,所以我们需要算出这四个素数才行。





rand = lambda n: bytes(random.getrandbits(1) for _ in range(n))

def gen1(bits):
    p = getPrime(bits // 2, randfunc=rand)
    q = getPrime(bits // 2, randfunc=rand)
    return p, q

因为x使用的是 getrandbits(1);因此,x里会有b’\x00’b’\x01’ 这两种可能的bytes的组合。



from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long

def findflag(p, q, n):
    if len(p) == 63:
        pp = bytes_to_long(b"\x80" + p)
        if n % pp == 0:
        L = len(p)
        pp = bytes_to_long(p)
        qq = bytes_to_long(q)
        if pp * qq % (256**L) == n % (256**L):
            findflag(b"\x00" + p, b"\x01" + q, n)
            findflag(b"\x01" + p, b"\x01" + q, n)
            findflag(b"\x00" + p, b"\x00" + q, n)
            findflag(b"\x01" + p, b"\x00" + q, n)

n1 = 44945076854246685060397710825960160082061127479194994041436997195972585701097443198954359213635892234058786065342178389181538153413878118039445271277476379366294977408981257175008890470376094381644530106799352839565803317977637572325347776636285703517680754624094985374606187797141657688145287340444623176193
# 因为n1的最后一位是3,所以p和q的bytes里的最后一位都是b"\x01"
findflag(b"\x01", b"\x01", n1)
# 6704108555018235126044943757232820606509394092422982568570889193755927961059256373509251540968761510597955349467469602569838971815245810437719445704016129
# 6704109351064115455893295955648034742490075153469647652626278891915863408109665863057399099944508436950445216168956861863970048266975514429634433698038017


这个其实是RSA的一个后门:A new idea for RSA backdoors (arxiv.org),不过不看论文也能推出来的,算是比较巧妙吧()


获得所有可能的 (q2 mod T, p2 mod T)#


def gen2(alpha=512, K=500, T=getPrime(506)):
    while True:
        q = getPrime(alpha)
        r = getPrime(alpha)
        for k in range(2, K+1):
            p = r + (k * q - r) % T
            if isPrime(p):
                return p, q, T


p2kq2 mod Tp_2\equiv kq_2~mod~T

于是代入到 n2n_2 中便有:

n2kq22 mod Tn_2\equiv kq_2^2~mod~T

因为 k[2,K]k\in[2,K]KK 很小,那么我们可以遍历 kk 的值,

得到所有可能的 (q2 mod T, p2 mod T)(q_2~mod~T,~p_2~mod~T),然后通过下面的过程,我们来恢复 p2, q2p_2,~q_2

恢复 p2, q2#

通过gen2以及上述得到的式子,我们可以把 n2n_2 写成:

n2=[πT+(p2 mod T)][vT+(q2 mod T)]      (1)n_2=[\pi T+(p_2~mod~T)][vT+(q_2~mod~T)]~~~~~~\left(1\right)

如果我们记:δ=[n2(p2 mod T)(q2 mod T)]/T\delta=[n_2-(p_2~mod~T)(q_2~mod~T)]/T


δ=πvT+π(q mod T)+v(p mod T)\delta=\pi vT+\pi(q~mod~T)+v(p~mod~T)

然后我们记:x=π, C=π+v, a=q mod T, b=p mod Tx=\pi,~C=\pi+v,~a=q~mod~T,~b=p~mod~T



我们计算一下 CC 的上界,会发现:我们是能穷举 CC


n2=πvT2+vT(p2 mod T)+πT(q2 mod T)+(p2q2 mod T)n_2=\pi vT^2+vT(p_2~mod~T)+\pi T(q_2~mod~T)+(p_2q_2~mod~T)

那么明显 C=π+vπvn2/T2~C=\pi+v\le\pi v\le n_2/T^2

通过计算(或者直接拿sage去算 n2/T2n_2/T^2)可以知道:n2/T2<215 (small num)n_2/T^2<2^{15}~(small~num),可以看出 CC 值确实很小

于是我们就可以穷举 CC ,用下面这个方法来计算 xx(即π\pi),进而得到 vv





3,然后判断DD是否为整数;如果有一个解DiD_i成立,则π=Di, v=Cπ\pi=D_i,~v=C-\pi

然后再通过下式便可算出 p2, q2p_2,~q_2

p2=πT+bp_2=\pi T+b q2=vT+aq_2=vT+a

由于我们有了 a=q2 mod T, b=p2 mod Ta=q_2~mod~T,~b=p_2~mod~T 的所有可能值,故我们可以通过遍历 (a, b)(a,~b) 进行上述操作,恢复出 p2, q2p_2,~q_2


import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import *

def Legendre(n, p):
    return pow(n, (p - 1) // 2, p)

def Tonelli_Shanks(n, p):
    assert Legendre(n, p) == 1
    if p % 4 == 3:
        return pow(n, (p + 1) // 4, p)
    q = p - 1
    s = 0
    while q % 2 == 0:
        q = q // 2
        s += 1
    for z in range(2, p):
        if Legendre(z, p) == p - 1:
            c = pow(z, q, p)
    r = pow(n, (q + 1) // 2, p)
    t = pow(n, q, p)
    m = s
    if t % p == 1:
        return r
        i = 0
        while t % p != 1:
            temp = pow(t, 2 ** (i + 1), p)
            i += 1
            if temp % p == 1:
                b = pow(c, 2 ** (m - i - 1), p)
                r = r * b % p
                c = b * b % p
                t = t * c % p
                m = i
                i = 0
        return r

n = 57784854392324291351358704449756491526369373648574288191576366413179694041729248864428194536249209588548791706980878177790271653262097539281383559433402738548851606776347237650302071287124974607439996041713554182180186588308614458904981542909792071322939678815174962366963098166320441995961513884899917498099
T = 150514823288951667574011681197229106951781617714873679347685702558528178681176081082658953342482323349796111911103531429615442550000291753989779754337491

nt = n % T
gammas = []
for k in range(2, K + 1):
    k_ = inverse(k, T)
    if Legendre(nt * k_, T) == 1:
        gammas.append(nt * k_ % T)
pqs = []
for gamma in gammas:
    qt1 = Tonelli_Shanks(gamma, T)
    assert qt1**2 % T == gamma and qt1 < T
    qt2 = T - qt1
    assert qt2**2 % T == gamma
    pt1 = nt * inverse(qt1, T) % T
    pt2 = nt * inverse(qt2, T) % T
    pqs.append((qt1, pt1))
    pqs.append((qt2, pt2))
for a, b in pqs:
    begin = gmpy2.iroot(2 * (n // T**2) - 1, 2)[0]
    end = n // (T**2)
    delta = (n - a * b) // T
    for C in range(begin, end + 1):
        Delta = (b - a - C * T) ** 2 - 4 * T * (delta - b * C)
        if Delta < 0:
        xx = gmpy2.iroot(Delta, 2)
        if xx[1]:
            x1 = C * T + a - b + xx[0]
            x2 = C * T + a - b - xx[0]
            for x in (x1, x2):
                if x % (2 * T) == 0:
                    x = x // (2 * T)
                    pi = x
                    v = C - x
                    p1 = pi * T + b
                    q1 = v * T + a
                    if p1 * q1 == n:
                        print(p1, q1)
# 8604143985568971357221106163518321547782942525630490158067993880524661927741225574307260111628133976467492901704516592869940382055272648214920231756723373 
# 6715932984064668444342570644774156271984002289395510283696469320418962556390690901906940107908954287013902962625382543926197508086756331581472941654687263        



import hashlib

p1 = 6704108555018235126044943757232820606509394092422982568570889193755927961059256373509251540968761510597955349467469602569838971815245810437719445704016129
q1 = 6704109351064115455893295955648034742490075153469647652626278891915863408109665863057399099944508436950445216168956861863970048266975514429634433698038017
p2 = 8604143985568971357221106163518321547782942525630490158067993880524661927741225574307260111628133976467492901704516592869940382055272648214920231756723373
q2 = 6715932984064668444342570644774156271984002289395510283696469320418962556390690901906940107908954287013902962625382543926197508086756331581472941654687263
flag = "DASCTF{" + hashlib.md5(str(p1 + p2 + q1 + q2).encode()).hexdigest() + "}"
# DASCTF{354ed97c5a3d9d16f49ad93fc30e1c6f}


Boneh and Durfee#

对于相对较大的ee,并且e<n0.292e<n^{0.292},我们可以利用Boneh and Durfee Attack来做

首先我们可以知道:e×d1 (mod ϕ(n))e\times d≡1~(mod~\phi(n))

于是可以转化一下,得到e×d=1+k×ϕ(n)e\times d = 1 + k\times\phi(n)

k×ϕ(n)+10mode —— (1)k\times\phi(n)+1≡0\mod e~——~(1)


故我们代入到式(1)(1)中,得到k(nt+1)+10modek(n-t+1)+1≡0\mod e


f(x,y)=x(Ay)+10modef(x,y)=x(A-y)+1≡0\mod e



多元nnϕ(n)\phi(n)分解因子这一步,需要用到这篇论文:On Some Attacks on Multi-prime RSA;具体位置在 “Equivalence of Factoring and Exposing the Private Key” 这节。




from Crypto.Util.number import *
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import hashlib
from __future__ import print_function

# Config

Setting debug to true will display more informations
about the lattice, the bounds, the vectors...
debug = True

Setting strict to true will stop the algorithm (and
return (-1, -1)) if we don't have a correct
upperbound on the determinant. Note that this
doesn't necesseraly mean that no solutions
will be found since the theoretical upperbound is
usualy far away from actual results. That is why
you should probably use `strict = False`
strict = False

This is experimental, but has provided remarkable results
so far. It tries to reduce the lattice as much as it can
while keeping its efficiency. I see no reason not to use
this option, but if things don't work, you should try
disabling it
helpful_only = True
dimension_min = 7 # stop removing if lattice reaches that dimension

# Functions

# display stats on helpful vectors
def helpful_vectors(BB, modulus):
    nothelpful = 0
    for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]):
        if BB[ii,ii] >= modulus:
            nothelpful += 1

    print(nothelpful, "/", BB.dimensions()[0], " vectors are not helpful")

# display matrix picture with 0 and X
def matrix_overview(BB, bound):
    for ii in range(BB.dimensions()[0]):
        a = ('%02d ' % ii)
        for jj in range(BB.dimensions()[1]):
            a += '0' if BB[ii,jj] == 0 else 'X'
            if BB.dimensions()[0] < 60:
                a += ' '
        if BB[ii, ii] >= bound:
            a += '~'

# tries to remove unhelpful vectors
# we start at current = n-1 (last vector)
def remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, current):
    # end of our recursive function
    if current == -1 or BB.dimensions()[0] <= dimension_min:
        return BB

    # we start by checking from the end
    for ii in range(current, -1, -1):
        # if it is unhelpful:
        if BB[ii, ii] >= bound:
            affected_vectors = 0
            affected_vector_index = 0
            # let's check if it affects other vectors
            for jj in range(ii + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]):
                # if another vector is affected:
                # we increase the count
                if BB[jj, ii] != 0:
                    affected_vectors += 1
                    affected_vector_index = jj

            # level:0
            # if no other vectors end up affected
            # we remove it
            if affected_vectors == 0:
                print("* removing unhelpful vector", ii)
                BB = BB.delete_columns([ii])
                BB = BB.delete_rows([ii])
                BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii-1)
                return BB

            # level:1
            # if just one was affected we check
            # if it is affecting someone else
            elif affected_vectors == 1:
                affected_deeper = True
                for kk in range(affected_vector_index + 1, BB.dimensions()[0]):
                    # if it is affecting even one vector
                    # we give up on this one
                    if BB[kk, affected_vector_index] != 0:
                        affected_deeper = False
                # remove both it if no other vector was affected and
                # this helpful vector is not helpful enough
                # compared to our unhelpful one
                if affected_deeper and abs(bound - BB[affected_vector_index, affected_vector_index]) < abs(bound - BB[ii, ii]):
                    print("* removing unhelpful vectors", ii, "and", affected_vector_index)
                    BB = BB.delete_columns([affected_vector_index, ii])
                    BB = BB.delete_rows([affected_vector_index, ii])
                    BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, bound, ii-1)
                    return BB
    # nothing happened
    return BB

* 0,0   if it fails
* -1,-1 if `strict=true`, and determinant doesn't bound
* x0,y0 the solutions of `pol`
def boneh_durfee(pol, modulus, mm, tt, XX, YY):
    Boneh and Durfee revisited by Herrmann and May
    finds a solution if:
    * d < N^delta
    * |x| < e^delta
    * |y| < e^0.5
    whenever delta < 1 - sqrt(2)/2 ~ 0.292

    # substitution (Herrman and May)
    PR.<u, x, y> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
    Q = PR.quotient(x*y + 1 - u) # u = xy + 1
    polZ = Q(pol).lift()

    UU = XX*YY + 1

    # x-shifts
    gg = []
    for kk in range(mm + 1):
        for ii in range(mm - kk + 1):
            xshift = x^ii * modulus^(mm - kk) * polZ(u, x, y)^kk

    # x-shifts list of monomials
    monomials = []
    for polynomial in gg:
        for monomial in polynomial.monomials():
            if monomial not in monomials:
    # y-shifts (selected by Herrman and May)
    for jj in range(1, tt + 1):
        for kk in range(floor(mm/tt) * jj, mm + 1):
            yshift = y^jj * polZ(u, x, y)^kk * modulus^(mm - kk)
            yshift = Q(yshift).lift()
            gg.append(yshift) # substitution
    # y-shifts list of monomials
    for jj in range(1, tt + 1):
        for kk in range(floor(mm/tt) * jj, mm + 1):
            monomials.append(u^kk * y^jj)

    # construct lattice B
    nn = len(monomials)
    BB = Matrix(ZZ, nn)
    for ii in range(nn):
        BB[ii, 0] = gg[ii](0, 0, 0)
        for jj in range(1, ii + 1):
            if monomials[jj] in gg[ii].monomials():
                BB[ii, jj] = gg[ii].monomial_coefficient(monomials[jj]) * monomials[jj](UU,XX,YY)

    # Prototype to reduce the lattice
    if helpful_only:
        # automatically remove
        BB = remove_unhelpful(BB, monomials, modulus^mm, nn-1)
        # reset dimension
        nn = BB.dimensions()[0]
        if nn == 0:
            return 0,0

    # check if vectors are helpful
    if debug:
        helpful_vectors(BB, modulus^mm)
    # check if determinant is correctly bounded
    det = BB.det()
    bound = modulus^(mm*nn)
    if det >= bound:
        print("We do not have det < bound. Solutions might not be found.")
        print("Try with highers m and t.")
        if debug:
            diff = (log(det) - log(bound)) / log(2)
            print("size det(L) - size e^(m*n) = ", floor(diff))
        if strict:
            return -1, -1
        print("det(L) < e^(m*n) (good! If a solution exists < N^delta, it will be found)")

    # display the lattice basis
    if debug:
        matrix_overview(BB, modulus^mm)

    # LLL
    if debug:
        print("optimizing basis of the lattice via LLL, this can take a long time")

    BB = BB.LLL()

    if debug:
        print("LLL is done!")

    # transform vector i & j -> polynomials 1 & 2
    if debug:
        print("looking for independent vectors in the lattice")
    found_polynomials = False
    for pol1_idx in range(nn - 1):
        for pol2_idx in range(pol1_idx + 1, nn):
            # for i and j, create the two polynomials
            PR.<w,z> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
            pol1 = pol2 = 0
            for jj in range(nn):
                pol1 += monomials[jj](w*z+1,w,z) * BB[pol1_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU,XX,YY)
                pol2 += monomials[jj](w*z+1,w,z) * BB[pol2_idx, jj] / monomials[jj](UU,XX,YY)

            # resultant
            PR.<q> = PolynomialRing(ZZ)
            rr = pol1.resultant(pol2)

            # are these good polynomials?
            if rr.is_zero() or rr.monomials() == [1]:
                print("found them, using vectors", pol1_idx, "and", pol2_idx)
                found_polynomials = True
        if found_polynomials:

    if not found_polynomials:
        print("no independant vectors could be found. This should very rarely happen...")
        return 0, 0
    rr = rr(q, q)

    # solutions
    soly = rr.roots()

    if len(soly) == 0:
        print("Your prediction (delta) is too small")
        return 0, 0

    soly = soly[0][0]
    ss = pol1(q, soly)
    solx = ss.roots()[0][0]

    return solx, soly

def factorize_multi_prime(N, phi):
    prime_factors = set()
    factors = [N]
    while len(factors) > 0:
        # Element to factorize.
        N = factors[0]

        w = randrange(2, N - 1)
        i = 1
        while phi % (2**i) == 0:
            sqrt_1 = pow(w, phi // (2**i), N)
            if sqrt_1 > 1 and sqrt_1 != N - 1:
                # We can remove the element to factorize now, because we have a factorization.
                factors = factors[1:]

                p = gcd(N, sqrt_1 + 1)
                q = N // p

                if is_prime(p):
                elif p > 1:

                if is_prime(q):
                elif q > 1:

                # Continue in the outer loop

            i += 1

    return list(prime_factors)

def attack(N, e, factor_bit_length, factors, delta=0.25, m=1):
    x, y = ZZ["x", "y"].gens()
    A = N + 1
    f = x * (A + y) + 1
    X = int(RR(e) ** delta)
    Y = int(2 ** ((factors - 1) * factor_bit_length + 1))
    t = int((1 - 2 * delta) * m)
    x0, y0 = boneh_durfee(f, e, m, t, X, Y)
    z = int(f(x0, y0))
    if z % e == 0:
        phi = N +int(y0) + 1
        factors = factorize_multi_prime(N, phi)
        if factors:
            return factors

    return None

n = 12778528771742949806245151753869219326103790041631995252034948773711783128776305944498756929732298934720477166855071150429382343090525399073032692529779161146622028051975895639274962265063528372582516292055195313063685656963925420986244801150981084581230336100629998038062420895185391922920881754851005297105551156140379014123294775868179867798105218243424339964238809811837555910593108364135245826360599234594626605066012137694272914693621191616641820375665250179042481908961611154276842449520816511946371478115661488114557201063593848680402471689545509362224765613961509436533468849519328376263878041094637028661183
e = 4446726708272678112679273197419446608921686581114971359716086776036464363243920846432708647591026040092182012898303795518854800856792372040517828716881858432476850992893751986128026419654358442725548028288396111453301336112088168230318117251893266136328216825852616643551255183048159254152784384133765153361821713529774101097531224729203104181285902533238977664673240372553695106609481661124179618839909468411817548602076934523684639875632950838463168454592213740967654900802801128243623511466324869786575827161573559009469945330622017702786149269513046331878690768979142927851424854919322854779975658914469657308779
c = b'_\xf7\x16\x00S\x11\xd5\xec\x94+>\x98\x91\x8b\xaeC\xadV3\xf8\x07a\x95\xf6rr\x86\xd4\x1e\x1b\xe7\xf4H\xa0\xd9\x9b\xb5\x05.u\x08\x80\x04\x8d\xee\xec\x98\xf5'
p, q, r, s = attack(n, e, 512, 4, 0.127, 10)
key = hashlib.md5(str(p + q + r + s).encode()).digest()
aes = AES.new(key, mode=AES.MODE_ECB)
# DASCTF{d4d0b2c4-b41d-4ce1-871a-b08325900b30}



def encrypt(M, N, e):
    xm, ym = M
    M = (xm, ym, 0)
    a = (1 - xm**3) * inverse(ym**3, N) % N
    curve = Pell_Curve(int(a), N)
    if curve.is_on_curve(M):
        return curve.mul(M, e)
    return None

这里是实现了一个Cubic Pell Curve的加密,这一步的解法后边会提及;但在这之前,我们需分解一下N(为后面的解法做准备)。






p=(Q0)x+(nP)xp=(Q_0)_x+(n*P)_x q=(Q0)x+[(n1+1)nP]xq=(Q_0)_x+[(n_1+1)*n*P]_x

且曲线为y2=x3y^2=x^3,是一个奇异曲线;因此该曲线的dlp计算,我们可以转化成数域上的简单运算 (以下的加法,均为椭圆曲线上的加法)





利用此关系可以简单证明(证明一个数列ai+1=ai/(ai+1),a1=1a_{i+1}=a_i/(a_i+1), a_1=1的性质)一下,便可得到下面这个式子


也即:nX1=(n2t2,n3t3)             (2)nX_1=(n^{-2}t^2,n^{-3}t^3)~~~~~~~~~~~~~\left(2\right)


(这里为了方便,我们记:参数方程下的Q0=(t2, t3)Q_0=(t^2,~t^3)

于是我们可以设nP=(x2, x3)nP=(x^2,~x^3),然后结合ECLCG的加法,我们就可以得到素数p和q的对应方程


p[(t3x3)2(t2x2)2x2t2] mod Np\equiv[(t^3-x^3)^2(t^2-x^2)^{-2}-x^2-t^2]~mod~N q[(t3x13)2(t2x12)2x12t2] mod Nq\equiv[(t^3-x_1^3)^2(t^2-x_1^2)^{-2}-x_1^2-t^2]~mod~N


# recover p, q:
import tqdm
import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import *

n = 142509889408494696639682201799643202268988370577642546783876593347546850250051841172274152716714403313311584670791108601588046986700175746446804470329761265314268119548997548026516318449862727871202339967955587242463610862701184493904376304507029176806166448249192854001854607465457042204258734279909961546441004233711967226919624405968584449147177981949821415107225952390645278348482729250785152039807053641247569456385545220501027102363800108028762768824577077321340577271010321469215228402821463907345773901277193445125640936231772522681574300491883451795804527966948605710874090658775247402867915876744113646170885038891240778364069379164812880482584571673151293322613478565661348746336931021896668941228934951050789999827329748371987279847108342825214485163497943
N = 9909641861967580472493256614158113105414778684219844785944662774988084232380069009372420371597872375863508561123648164278317871844235719752735021659264009
Q =  (5725664012637594848838084306454804843458550077896287815106012266176452953193402684379119042639063659980463425502946083139850146060755640351348257807890845,7995259612407104192119579242200802136801092493271952329412936709212369500868134058817979488983954214781719018555338511778896087250394604977285067013758829)

R.<x> = Zmod(N)[]
f1 = x ^ 2 - Q[0]
f2 = x ^ 3 - Q[1]
for i in f1.roots():
    for j in f2.roots():
        if i[0] == j[0]:
            t = i[0]

R.<x> = Zmod(N)[]
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, 1000)):
    xi = x * inverse(i, N)
    pp = ((t ^ 3 - x ^ 3) ^ 2 - (t ^ 2 + x ^ 2) * (t ^ 2 - x ^ 2) ^ 2)^3
    qq = ((t ^ 3 - xi ^ 3) ^ 2 - (t ^ 2 + xi ^ 2) * (t ^ 2 - xi ^ 2) ^ 2)^2
    f = n * (t ^ 2 - x ^ 2) ^ 6 * (t ^ 2 - xi ^ 2) ^ 4 - pp * qq
    roots = f.roots()
    if roots:
        for xx in roots:
            x1 = xx[0]
            if t != x1:
                p1 = (t ^ 3 - x1 ^ 3) ^ 2 * inverse(int(t ^ 2 - x1 ^ 2), N) ^ 2 - t ^ 2 - x1 ^ 2
                if n % int(p1) == 0:
                    p = int(p1)
        if n % int(p1) == 0:

r = 3
s = 2
q = int(gmpy2.iroot(n//p^3,2)[0])

Cubic Pell Curve解密+模下开根#

然后就是需要找一个Cubic Pell Curve解密系统


A New Public Key Cryptosystem Based on the Cubic Pell Curve




1,计算出第一步和第二步中的、模prp^rqsq^s下的方程里的两组根:(ap,1,ap,2)(a_{p,1},a_{p,2})(aq,1,aq,2)(a_{q,1},a_{q,2})(计算参考论文里的Corollary 3)。




4,遍历D=(d1,d2,d3,d4)D=(d_1,d_2,d_3,d_4),并根据第六步的Mi=(xi,yi,zi)=di(xC,yC,zC)M_i=(x_i,y_i,z_i)=d_i⊙(x_C,y_C,z_C)以及aia_i所对应的Cubic Pell Curve,计算出对应的MiM_i;当我们算出M=(xi,yi,0)M=(x_i,y_i,0)时,我们便恢复出明文MM了。


# https://eprint.iacr.org/2024/385.pdf

import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt

def Legendre(n, p):
    return pow(n, (p - 1) // 2, p)

def Tonelli_Shanks(n, p):
    assert Legendre(n, p) == 1
    if p % 4 == 3:
        return pow(n, (p + 1) // 4, p)
    q = p - 1
    s = 0
    while q % 2 == 0:
        q //= 2
        s += 1
    z = next(z for z in range(2, p) if Legendre(z, p) == p - 1)
    c = pow(z, q, p)
    r = pow(n, (q + 1) // 2, p)
    t = pow(n, q, p)
    m = s
    if t % p == 1:
        return r
        i = 0
        while t % p != 1:
            temp = pow(t, 2 ** (i + 1), p)
            i += 1
            if temp % p == 1:
                b = pow(c, 2 ** (m - i - 1), p)
                r = r * b % p
                c = b * b % p
                t = t * c % p
                m = i
                i = 0
        return r

class Pell_Curve:
    def __init__(self, a, N):
        self.a = a
        self.N = N

    def is_on_curve(self, point):
        if point is None:
            return True
        x, y, z = point
        return (
            x**3 + self.a * y**3 + self.a**2 * z**3 - 3 * self.a * x * y * z
        ) % self.N == 1

    def add(self, P, Q):
        x1, y1, z1 = P
        x2, y2, z2 = Q
        x3 = (x1 * x2 + self.a * (y2 * z1 + y1 * z2)) % self.N
        y3 = (x2 * y1 + x1 * y2 + self.a * z1 * z2) % self.N
        z3 = (y1 * y2 + x2 * z1 + x1 * z2) % self.N
        return (x3, y3, z3)

    def mul(self, P, x):
        Q = (1, 0, 0)
        while x > 0:
            if x & 1:
                Q = self.add(Q, P)
            P = self.add(P, P)
            x >>= 1
        return Q

def psi(p, q, r, s):
    psi1 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p**2 + p + 1) * (q**2 + q + 1)
    psi2 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p - 1) ** 2 * (q - 1) ** 2
    psi3 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p**2 + p + 1) * (q - 1) ** 2
    psi4 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p - 1) ** 2 * (q**2 + q + 1)
    return (psi1, psi2, psi3, psi4)

def gen(E, Q, r, s):
    lcg = LCG(E, Q)
    while 1:
        p = lcg.get_prime()
        q = lcg.get_prime()
        if p % 3 == 1 and q % 3 == 1:
            N = p**r * q**s
            e = 0x20002
            return (N, e)

def cubic_residue(a, p):
    return pow(a, (p - 1) // gmpy2.gcd(3, p - 1), p) == 1

def judge_d(a, p, q, d):
    cr_p = cubic_residue(a, p)
    cr_q = cubic_residue(a, q)
    if cr_p and cr_q:
        return d[1]
    elif not cr_p and not cr_q:
        return d[0]
    elif not cr_p and cr_q:
        return d[2]
    else:  # cr_p and not cr_q
        return d[3]

# Corollary 3
def roots(C, p, n):
    xc, yc, zc = C
    a = zc**3
    b = yc**3 - 3 * xc * yc * zc
    c = xc**3 - 1
    delta = (b**2 - 4 * a * c) % p
    _delta = Tonelli_Shanks(delta, p)
    y = (-b + _delta) * gmpy2.invert(2 * a, p) % p
    z = (-b - _delta) * gmpy2.invert(2 * a, p) % p
    for i in range(1, n):
        y = y - (a * y**2 + b * y + c) * gmpy2.invert(
            int(2 * a * y + b), p ** (i + 1)
        ) % p ** (i + 1)
        z = z - (a * z**2 + b * z + c) * gmpy2.invert(
            int(2 * a * z + b), p ** (i + 1)
        ) % p ** (i + 1)
    return (y, z)

def decrypt(C, p, q, d, r, s):
    aps = roots(C, p, r)
    aqs = roots(C, q, s)
    N = p**r * q**s
    A = []
    for i in aps:
        for j in aqs:
            a = crt([p**r, q**s], [int(i), int(j)])[0]
    for i in range(len(A)):
        curve = Pell_Curve(A[i], N)
        M = curve.mul(C, judge_d(A[i], p, q, d))
        if M[2] == 0:
            return (int(M[0]), int(M[1]))
    return None

ps = psi(p, q, r, s)
d = []
for i in ps:
    d.append(inverse(e, i))
print(long_to_bytes(decrypt(C, p, q, d, r, s)[0]))



gcd(e,pq(p2+p+1)(q2+q+1)(p1)(q1))=2\gcd(e,pq(p^2 + p + 1)(q^2 + q + 1)(p - 1)(q - 1))=2





gcd(e/2,pq(p2+p+1)(q2+q+1)(p1)(q1))=1\gcd(e/2,pq(p^2 + p + 1)(q^2 + q + 1)(p - 1)(q - 1))=1




那么只要对解密完得到的MxM_x开二次方根即可 (我这里用了论文里的Corollary 3)


import tqdm
import gmpy2
from Crypto.Util.number import *
from sympy.ntheory.modular import crt

n = 142509889408494696639682201799643202268988370577642546783876593347546850250051841172274152716714403313311584670791108601588046986700175746446804470329761265314268119548997548026516318449862727871202339967955587242463610862701184493904376304507029176806166448249192854001854607465457042204258734279909961546441004233711967226919624405968584449147177981949821415107225952390645278348482729250785152039807053641247569456385545220501027102363800108028762768824577077321340577271010321469215228402821463907345773901277193445125640936231772522681574300491883451795804527966948605710874090658775247402867915876744113646170885038891240778364069379164812880482584571673151293322613478565661348746336931021896668941228934951050789999827329748371987279847108342825214485163497943
N = 9909641861967580472493256614158113105414778684219844785944662774988084232380069009372420371597872375863508561123648164278317871844235719752735021659264009
Q =  (5725664012637594848838084306454804843458550077896287815106012266176452953193402684379119042639063659980463425502946083139850146060755640351348257807890845,7995259612407104192119579242200802136801092493271952329412936709212369500868134058817979488983954214781719018555338511778896087250394604977285067013758829)

R.<x> = Zmod(N)[]
f1 = x ^ 2 - Q[0]
f2 = x ^ 3 - Q[1]
for i in f1.roots():
    for j in f2.roots():
        if i[0] == j[0]:
            t = i[0]

R.<x> = Zmod(N)[]
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(1, 1000)):
    xi = x * inverse(i, N)
    pp = ((t ^ 3 - x ^ 3) ^ 2 - (t ^ 2 + x ^ 2) * (t ^ 2 - x ^ 2) ^ 2)^3
    qq = ((t ^ 3 - xi ^ 3) ^ 2 - (t ^ 2 + xi ^ 2) * (t ^ 2 - xi ^ 2) ^ 2)^2
    f = n * (t ^ 2 - x ^ 2) ^ 6 * (t ^ 2 - xi ^ 2) ^ 4 - pp * qq
    roots = f.roots()
    if roots:
        for xx in roots:
            x1 = xx[0]
            if t != x1:
                p1 = (t ^ 3 - x1 ^ 3) ^ 2 * inverse(int(t ^ 2 - x1 ^ 2), N) ^ 2 - t ^ 2 - x1 ^ 2
                if n % int(p1) == 0:
                    p = int(p1)
        if n % int(p1) == 0:

r = 3
s = 2
q = int(gmpy2.iroot(n//p^3,2)[0])

def Legendre(n, p):
    return pow(n, (p - 1) // 2, p)

def Tonelli_Shanks(n, p):
    assert Legendre(n, p) == 1
    if p % 4 == 3:
        return pow(n, (p + 1) // 4, p)
    q = p - 1
    s = 0
    while q % 2 == 0:
        q //= 2
        s += 1
    z = next(z for z in range(2, p) if Legendre(z, p) == p - 1)
    c = pow(z, q, p)
    r = pow(n, (q + 1) // 2, p)
    t = pow(n, q, p)
    m = s
    if t % p == 1:
        return r
        i = 0
        while t % p != 1:
            temp = pow(t, 2 ** (i + 1), p)
            i += 1
            if temp % p == 1:
                b = pow(c, 2 ** (m - i - 1), p)
                r = r * b % p
                c = b * b % p
                t = t * c % p
                m = i
                i = 0
        return r

class Pell_Curve:
    def __init__(self, a, N):
        self.a = a
        self.N = N

    def is_on_curve(self, point):
        if point is None:
            return True
        x, y, z = point
        return (
            x**3 + self.a * y**3 + self.a**2 * z**3 - 3 * self.a * x * y * z
        ) % self.N == 1

    def add(self, P, Q):
        x1, y1, z1 = P
        x2, y2, z2 = Q
        x3 = (x1 * x2 + self.a * (y2 * z1 + y1 * z2)) % self.N
        y3 = (x2 * y1 + x1 * y2 + self.a * z1 * z2) % self.N
        z3 = (y1 * y2 + x2 * z1 + x1 * z2) % self.N
        return (x3, y3, z3)

    def mul(self, P, x):
        Q = (1, 0, 0)
        while x > 0:
            if x & 1:
                Q = self.add(Q, P)
            P = self.add(P, P)
            x >>= 1
        return Q

def psi(p, q, r, s):
    psi1 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p**2 + p + 1) * (q**2 + q + 1)
    psi2 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p - 1) ** 2 * (q - 1) ** 2
    psi3 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p**2 + p + 1) * (q - 1) ** 2
    psi4 = p ** (2 * (r - 1)) * q ** (2 * (s - 1)) * (p - 1) ** 2 * (q**2 + q + 1)
    return (psi1, psi2, psi3, psi4)

def cubic_residue(a, p):
    return pow(a, (p - 1) // gmpy2.gcd(3, p - 1), p) == 1

def judge_d(a, p, q, d):
    cr_p = cubic_residue(a, p)
    cr_q = cubic_residue(a, q)
    if cr_p and cr_q:
        return d[1]
    elif not cr_p and not cr_q:
        return d[0]
    elif not cr_p and cr_q:
        return d[2]
    else:  # cr_p and not cr_q
        return d[3]

# Corollary 3
def roots(C, p, n):
    xc, yc, zc = C
    a = zc**3
    b = yc**3 - 3 * xc * yc * zc
    c = xc**3 - 1
    delta = (b**2 - 4 * a * c) % p
    _delta = Tonelli_Shanks(delta, p)
    y = (-b + _delta) * inverse(2 * a, p) % p
    z = (-b - _delta) * inverse(2 * a, p) % p
    for i in range(1, n):
        y = y - (a * y**2 + b * y + c) * inverse(
            int(2 * a * y + b), p ** (i + 1)
        ) % p ** (i + 1)
        z = z - (a * z**2 + b * z + c) * inverse(
            int(2 * a * z + b), p ** (i + 1)
        ) % p ** (i + 1)
    return (y, z)

C = (81768339111299816705544898152771220210336305743364535623542396932097508874478708007356482559951843443716017684599109593939309497876283954739065532068358640123897297735011312421303760220341679952682608376253590454613919282861879034834442483766217227383792409215337347571227544874051744198403805434968528386779039795337990338248171933970791615195263892724675263032559658819135855374073644306381889879990890042223246077362618291952646985683966244920555989982399613765530011499719074486903003792714562373937144871278164758310693947837335237349195046040995477558132367388842506474592468217861986173383953237474756202802360230890862369060851962186244111055545256271117424905591906972255761770741149563674457745615873496579818814035900990579591845004609499494547080458704584, 84621087300399647293777247835306246465300232341486881635357679809773437325943820311329988605594440622251629971586435278844599108015288735134349648420317858374374591896130432582322507215780484530408523427525797210077752785624079848616300884164345285833494971279538396297733797260240933961493604434803064166573528094704954546014575856837921125063112845773099272164228859908533081610458091806418565502108153124283531626701488036466436102247845200341492584130445948027051529476352653110990934770121255651400555911301783360692285788890607740888376040139286200434818197323063848144168033132174931153362170954175707409126745301216651916596489805505649061280397491087997636237767764403484186207472581036806824115157283392062188592165421921369151939109986184806890233258458794, 107470405748787057257826187107093535161311781207158281438762592876162686482566135109505652982571025667746244660986635749326688338471024529029121466041296205925603803529179856346298760611767192411134153152234712303426575150170977692186997733960581208607060982624871524319162170866870037830416559938924612968969966225954744925337757413696488884826990851697771972617146921133799053964257776476473920346656878321177511107743545375181606366722878715116467369115483252574781605976088763248469134730611983687505906661228606502293949130180171550100994569942435781067167383369188511834406179774120708650048333802855942156250759495072298696263590518886055347952253836780124031369144821306654247715239306949355039924862372681097653701186683219165141054051943634109692683916632353)
e = 0x20002

ps = psi(p, q, r, s)
d = []
for i in ps:
    d.append(inverse(e // 2, i))
aps = roots(C, p, r)
aqs = roots(C, q, s)
A = []
for i in aps:
    for j in aqs:
        a = crt([p**r, q**s], [int(i), int(j)])[0]

# 根据Corollary 3改改就能算平方根
def roots2(M1, p, n):
	a = 1
	b = 0
	c = -M1
	delta = (b**2 - 4 * a * c) % p
	_delta = Tonelli_Shanks(delta, p)
	y = (-b + _delta) * inverse(2 * a, p) % p
	z = (-b - _delta) * inverse(2 * a, p) % p
	for i in range(1, n):
		y = y - (a * y**2 + b * y + c) * inverse(int(2 * a * y + b), p ** (i + 1)) % p ** (i + 1)
		z = z - (a * z**2 + b * z + c) * inverse(int(2 * a * z + b), p ** (i + 1)) % p ** (i + 1)
	return (y, z)

for a in A:
    curve = Pell_Curve(a, n)
    M1 = curve.mul(C, judge_d(a, p, q, d))
    x, y, z = M1
    x1 = roots2(x, p, r)
    x2 = roots2(x, q, s)
    for i in x1:
        for j in x2:
            m=long_to_bytes(crt([p**r, q**s], [int(i), int(j)])[0])
            if m.startswith(b'DASCTF'):
# DASCTF{3dc7844aafe4e0628ba29ef09501089dd4a2adeec924b916be275cfc3953d681}______This_is_pad:adwd3i2j0fj20ef2j0fj20efj9h2j0fj20efj9h2j0fj2asdaedfqe0efj9h2j0fj20efj9qfqdqwdh2j0fj2qfefwfewfqwedfqwdqwdqw0efj9h2j0fj20efj9h2j0fj20efjwfewfwefwefwe9hj9huiehv89h92j0fj20efj9h8hwd893y198e32
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